Solar Electricity Savings

Today I went back and looked at my electricity bills over the last few years, and I really am impressed by the savings from our solar system! We were lucky enough to already have panels installed when we purchased our property, so no initial outlay for the installation (though of course, it would have factoredContinue reading “Solar Electricity Savings”

Combining Finances!

Disclaimer: This post is NOT financial advice or a recommendation about what you should be doing – merely information about my journey and experiences. My fiancé (🎉🎉🎉) and I are currently in the complex process of joining our finances and planning for our future together. There are lots of different ways that couples manage finances.Continue reading “Combining Finances!”

Minimalism – is it for me?

Since starting to learn about FIRE, I’ve also been learning a lot about various forms of minimalism in the community. I watched the Minimalism documentary on Netflix, and I confess that I binged the whole series of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. And in doing so, I got motivated to do a bit of springContinue reading “Minimalism – is it for me?”

Holiday splurges – no regrets!

In my review of the first half of 2020, I said that the budget was deceptive about how expensive my holiday was this year, as much of the spending was pre-booked during 2019. The true cost of the trip? About 18K, plus 4 weeks of lost income – so, essentially over 2 months worth ofContinue reading “Holiday splurges – no regrets!”

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