Update: March 2022

Another roller coaster of a month. Happily, the stock market has rallied a bit during March – which bodes well as I’m going to be liquidating a good chunk of my portfolio soon! (More on that at the end of this post…) Net worth total at the end of March 2022: $699,682Change since February: gainContinue reading “Update: March 2022”

Combining Finances!

Disclaimer: This post is NOT financial advice or a recommendation about what you should be doing – merely information about my journey and experiences. My fiancΓ© (πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰) and I are currently in the complex process of joining our finances and planning for our future together. There are lots of different ways that couples manage finances.Continue reading “Combining Finances!”

Update: February 2022

What a month! The stock market hasn’t been great, huh. Pretty tense with what’s going on internationally. On the plus side, my investment property valuation has jumped up again so at least the overall net worth has stayed stable. Net worth total at the end of February 2022: $661,695Change since January: gain of $14,529 orContinue reading “Update: February 2022”

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